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Convins uses SalesScreen to drive motivation, engagement and awareness within the organization.




We see clearly that our results are up by 20% in the weeks that we are running a competition.

Jonathan van Leersum, Operational Director, Convins

Convins supports companies with marketing & sales, we aim to function as an extension of your organization. With our trained professionals, domestic and international offices, our super strong mentality and our transparent revenue model, Convins helps clients with the growth of their organization.

To be able to provide our people with comprehensive insights as to the revenue of their efforts, we were looking for a ‘dashboarding tool’. The goal was to drive motivation, engagement and awareness within the organization.

SalesScreen has helped us to boost results, with one software solution, by increasing motivation, engagement and awareness within our company.


We use Leaddesk to register and process all incoming and outbound calls. We inquired with them first, when we went looking for a ‘dashboarding tool’. They introduced us to SalesScreen.

We clearly see the added value of SalesScreen with regards to our employees, customers and results. When an applicant is at one of our offices and sees the screens, they become genuinely interested in working for us. Customers that come to our offices experience a similar sentiment, they see what SalesScreen does and this leaves them with a very professional impression of the company. The engagement level of our employees with the company as well as their colleagues has increased visibly. As well as the social interaction between coworkers, they like and follow each other’s activities even when they are out of the office for a day.

SalesScreen ‘does’ something to people, it has a positive influence on social interaction, inspires friendly competition and increases the visibility of our people.

Transparency leads to awareness

The added value of the screens is evident. It visualizes activities and progress in a way that other systems cannot. For example: at the backend of Leaddesk, all types of information can be downloaded, but the revenue of the activities executed cannot be visualized. It is also impossible to compare peoples results. The SalesScreen screens show these metrics in a comprehensive overview, across different offices and locations.

An important asset is the ‘wow-effect’, you can see when a coworker scores an appointment, even when you work in different locations and have never physically met. Coworkers ‘know’ each other through the screens and can keep tabs on how everyone is doing, this triggers them to appreciate each other’s activities and instigates more contact on a social level.

Coworkers get to ‘know’ each other through the screens and are able to see what others are working on, this triggers them to appreciate each other.

Scoring an appointment on the first day of a new project, is a sign to everyone that we are doing well. What we used to only see in a personal Leaddesk environment, i.e. the previous mentioned appointment, is now visible for all, which allows everyone to celebrate and absolutely leads to more engagement and motivation.

Visibility motivates and connects

If an appointment does not immediately appear on the screen, employees will come and ask why their appointment is not visible. This means they are engaged and looking at the screens, waiting for their name to appear. In the past everyone went to the physical leaderboard, situated in the hallway, to tally their appointments. That was the only time you saw the results of your peers. Now everybody is confronted with their personal results and that of their coworkers in a positive way. Even when outside the office, people still check progress and like activities. This interaction can be fully contributed to the use of SalesScreen.

Monkey see, monkey do… When your coworkers are doing well, it has a positive influence on you as well. SalesScreen contributes greatly to a positive culture.

Socially we see more interaction taking place and engagement with the company is higher. We see a better notion of what’s going on and what we do, more contact between coworkers and a better connection with the company. SalesScreen also facilitates a better insight into the performance of employees and the possibility of feedback.

Employees are more aware of their KPI’s, due to them being able to follow their progress with regards to different KPI’s. The competitions show who’s ahead regarding specific KPI’s and instigates a bit of friendly competition.

We also use SalesScreen as a communication tool, for example to announce the start of a project, or to spread a motivating message across offices. It is a great tool that helps us with motivation and to get people enthusiastic and exited.

Our people are genuinely more involved

When we were using SalesScreen for a while, we wanted to know what it does to people. This became very apparent during our recent relocation. We were short on time and therefore decided to install the screens after we were settled in our new building. Almost every employee enquired after the timeframe for installing the screens. This, to me, confirmed the added value SalesScreen had to our employees and that it wasn’t just a fun gimmick to them.

SalesScreen is something that people are genuinely into and look to for information and motivation.

On management level as well, we are reaping the benefits. SalesScreen facilitates and supports me in my work, it doesn’t save me hours of work and it doesn’t replace the human touch and physical presence of leaders, but it is a really good support, that makes my job easier.

Recognize and reward

People in this line of work are extremely sensitive to reward. You can make the job interesting by offering fun propositions and clients, but in essence our employees are making calls all day long. They are rejected many times or are unable to contact the right person, to be honest, it is a very monotonous job.

Reward is a huge motivator, this is why we expect that the web shop will be an awesome addition for us. Rewarding our people can be facilitated by a lottery competition or a gift competition. To be honest, all competitions work extremely well, but we aren’t doing enough with them to take full advantage of all they can offer.

We see clearly that our results are up by 20% in the weeks that we are running a competition.

In the weeks that we are running a competition, our results are up, it doesn’t even have to be a special or high stakes competition, during which you can win thousands of euro’s in prizes. A restaurant voucher or something similar, is very much appreciated. When a competition is done, people seem to be more interested in the battles as well. Not on a huge scale, but when we start doing more competitions, we expect people to take more of an interest in the battle mode.

With these results you would expect us to launch a competition every week. However that might be a bridge to far. I believe that variety is essential in a motivation tool, this way SalesScreen stays interesting for our employees and we can continue using SalesScreen in the long term. I am not convinced that when we run a competition every week, the results will be this dramatic week after week. We are looking forward to further developments of SalesScreen.

Positive connections

I see a positive connection between our results and the use of SalesScreen. It has contributed to the overall experience, motivation and results of our employees. Especially in the weeks that we are running competitions, we do better than in weeks that we don’t. When we first heard the price, we considered that to be very high, especially when considering that Leaddesk, the system that we register everything in, is only slightly more expensive. The argument that won us over was that it isn’t about the costs, but about the yielded benefits.

SalesScreen is a big investment, however by using it and reaping the benefits, we are convinced the value amply outweighs the costs.

This is the closer. If you’re not convinced yet, no coffee for us.

Give us some details, not too much, not too little, just enough to talk to you about our results, company and what we believe in.

Reviewed Favorably By Industry Experts

Leader - Summer
Momentum - Summer
Implementable - Summer

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