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Enhance efficiency, with all your information in one convenient place

SalesScreen + Nextcom

Synchronize your important KPIs with Nextcom, a cloud-based sales CRM platform. Use SalesScreen to track and celebrate the actions that make your team pick up the phone, book more meetings, convert more prospects into opportunities, and drive growth. Our integration takes your team's most important activities and pulls them into the SalesScreen platform so you can gamify, compete, and motivate your teams to goal.


  • Real-time access to Nextcom activities
  • Easy-to-read dashboards for a holistic overview of all goal progression
  • Quick create competitions using Nextcom activities make it easy (and fun) to hit targets

Integration Set Up

Let us do the heavy lifting. Once you give API access to SalesScreen from Nextcom, our technical teams need access to a custom domain URL, and from there, we take over the work on the backend. Simple and easy!

Increase in revenue
Increase in activities
1 month
Investment return

This is the closer. If you’re not convinced yet, no coffee for us.

Give us some details, not too much, not too little, just enough to talk to you about our results, company and what we believe in.

Reviewed Favorably By Industry Experts

Leader - Summer
Momentum - Summer
Implementable - Summer

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